How do I add/remove an authorized user on my account?

Adding an authorized user

If available, students may add an authorized user to their account by sending them a payer invitation. To add an authorized user, follow these steps:

  1. The option to send a payer invitation is on the My Account tab on the left pane.


  2. Click on "Send a Payer Invitation".


  3. Fill in the information required.


  4. The authorized user will then receive an email with instructions on how to log into their account.

Some schools have the option for authorized users to create their own account. The option (highlighted in picture below) will be on the sign on page of the Transact Payment portal. The authorized user will need the student's ID to link their account to the student's.


Note: Please make sure the email address typed in is correct as the email address cannot be changed.


Removing an authorized user

Students may remove authorized users on their account by following these steps:

  1. The option to send a payer invitation is on the My Account tab on the left pane.


  2. Click on the pencil next to the authorized user you'd like to remove.

  3. Click on "Remove payer".


Note: If you receive an error while removing the payer, you may reach out to us for assistance via chat.

If you encounter an issue or have any questions, please contact student support via chat. We are available Monday- Friday 8am- 5:30 pm ET. 

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