What do I do if I receive an 'Uh Oh Something Went Wrong' Error?

If you received an error message stating "uh oh something went wrong on our end," it is likely due to our enhanced security measures. To resolve this issue, please ensure that your browser is up to date. Additionally, please check that JavaScript is enabled in your browser and try disabling any plugins that may conflict with reCAPTCHA. If you are using a work computer, we recommend switching to a personal device. We suggest using Google Chrome, Firefox, or Microsoft Edge as your browser. Please continue attempting the action until it is successful.

Here are some recommended troubleshooting steps to resolve the issue:

  1. Try a different browser- Microsoft Edge, Firefox, Google Chrome, etc.
  2. Make sure the browser is up-to-date
  3. Clear your cache/cookies
  4. Do you have a VPN (virtual private network)? if so, turn that off
  5. Try using a new device
  6. Try using a different internet network- Avoid using hot spot, turn off WiFi 

If you encounter an issue or have any questions, please contact student support via chat. We are available Monday- Friday 8am- 5:30 pm ET. 

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